Project Development
Development Timeline
FALL 2020
Start marketing to opportunity zone interested businesses and tenants; submit site plan for review
Site plan approved and begin construction
Finalize main road and utilities so tenants have shovel-ready pads
Start construction of initial buildings & tenants
Initial tenants & businesses move in and start operating
Finalize last tenant and continue operating project
About the Developer
Kyle Redinger is a longtime entrepreneur and resident of Albemarle County and Charlottesville. He went to Murray Elementary, Henley Middle School, Western Albemarle High School and graduated from UVA and Darden School of Business. Kyle is married and lives in Albemarle County. Kyle is the founder of CrossFit Charlottesville and VividCortex. He is an active community member, an angel investor, and the screening chair for Charlottesville Angel Network. He is currently a developer and the founder of LandStriker Development with projects including the Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, Sparrow Hill in Crozet, Pantops Way Self Storage, and Albemarle Business Campus.
Developer Kyle Redinger, LandStriker Development
Communications Susan Payne, Blue Ridge Group
Office & Retail Building Architect Bruce Wardell, BRW Architects
Flex & Self Storage Building Architect SAA Architects
Multifamily Architect Gaines Group
Traffic Engineering Bill Wuensch, EPR PC
Civil Engineering Justin Shimp, Shimp Engineering
Legal Council Duane Zobrist, Zoblaw; Valerie Long, Williams Mullen; Don Long, Flora Pettit
General Contracting Jeff Duffy, EDC; Dennis Lynch, KBS
Site Work Contracting: Faulconer Construction